Tuesday, November 28, 2006

The Generation of Iranians Overseas

Today, 27 years after the Revolution, thousands of Iranians find themselves residing overseas, mainly in countries like the U.S., Germany, or Great Britain. This dynamic "resituation" and migration of Iranians, though often referred to as "brain drain" (and rightfully so), does possess its perks as well.

Unlike the Shah's era, where thousands of protesters could pour into the street, place flowers in soldiers' barrells, and scream death to the shah, such actions today would land you, your spouse, or you infant child, a quick ticket to Evin (if you're lucky) or more likely, the gallows (better known as construction cranes). Many people ask (mostly non-Iranians), "Why don't the Iranians just have another revolution like they did with the Shah? If they did it then why can't they do it now?" It is for this very reason, genuine fear. Fear of death, of torture, fear for your family. Iran has been held captive by the chains of fear and religious manipulation for almost three decades, and by this point, the people will do just about anything just to feed their families, let alone worry about politics.

This is where the we, the generation of Iranians overseas, come into play. We are supposed to be the voice that true Iranians within Iran cannot speak. We are looked upon by them to spread the word of truth to the world, and to fight the Islamic Republic in the ways they cannot. We cannot honestly expect the people of Iran to fight back when they have no assurances that their sacrifices won't be in vain. Unless they know that we are fighting for them, and we are fighting with them, where could they possibly derive any sense of hope from, especially after all these years?

We are the light. We are the blessed. It is a CRIME to enjoy the privileges and freedoms we do in such prosperous countries and not pay back our dues. We have an obligation beyond our riches and prosperities to realize that unless we contribute somehow to cause of freedom, we have singlehandedly worked to bring it down ourselves. "Evil prevails when good men do nothing." No quote could be truer. So when we sit by idly, maybe or maybe not watching the events in Iran, shopping and driving our BMW's, as 90% of Iranian Californians do (shame upon them), who is really to be held accountable? Us or the Mullahs? At least the Mullahs have made it clear they couldn't care less about Iran, we know that, and wouldn't expect anything good to come from them. But our own blood? The shame and defeat then lies with us, and in our apathy, we in turn become the sabotuers.

However, to those who are actually trying to make a difference, those of you who spend hours sucked into the web (in the seeming Iranian "e-movement") and who genuinely know you would die for Iran, and would do anything to do more, dorood bar shoma, I salute you, you are what the soul of Iran beats for. And by the same logic, I know most of the people who read this feel the way I do, and are genuine patriots, but those who this post is really about, wouldn't be here reading this anyway. And what a great shame it is.

Becoming Americanized can be a great thing if in doing so you learn from the fibers of this great political system and use such knowledge to aid your mothercountry. Otherwise, your just another tricked out L.A. Persian, who equivocates being an Iranian to eating polo-khoresht, sparingly speaking broken Farsi to his grandmother, and listening to the occasional Googoosh hit. If this is you, spend less time putting up pictures of your Mercedes on MySpace and more time reading about what's actually going on in the country that's sheltered and nurtured your ancestors for thousands of years.

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Blogger Winston said...

This is a very good blog...

12:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Arian for your comments in Arash's blog. I was away yesterday so just got to read them.

8:25 PM  
Blogger Aryamehr said...

You put it well there..

9:34 PM  

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